Thursday, April 21, 2011

Assignment 3 :D

Character Archetypes are the more popular most movies now like Karate Kid, Finding nemo, most super hero and the Disney are great examples. My favorite character archetype is the fairy god mother.  The most popular is Cinderella. In this movie Cinderella has a evil stepmom and sisters. And everyone knows the rest of that movie it’s a CLASSIC!!
Another character archetype is the mentor. The best modern example is karate kid. In this movie Jaden Smith,” Dre Parker” his single mom works for Chrysler and to keep her job they must move to china. Dre meets a girl and he likes her but this bully picks on dre for being an outsider and gets in to lots of fights. Dre meets Mr.Han. “Jackie Chan” he becomes dre’s mentor to teach him the basics, the fundamentals, and the main purpose of Kung Fo. Like all the good tear jerking movies the good always wins and don’t want to ruin it for some people that read my blog but it’s a GREAT movie!
Another archetype that I’m going to explain is the scapegoat.  In the modern film law abiding citizen, the main characters Jamie Foxx is the lawer of Gerard Butler. In this movie Gerard is a father with a wife and their young daughter. On an average night there house is broken into and the wife and daughter are raped and murdered and the two men responsible are free and not in jail 10 years after this happens. Gerard takes matter into his own hands and finds away to get around the law and plans the next few years of how to escape prison and all kinds of crazy things. Jamie has to figure out how he does this before he kills again! This movie is a great thriller and action movie as well.
My last character archetype is the bad mother. In the modern film gramy award winning Precious. In this film the young girl mother of 1 and pregnant by her father. Her mom is always being mean and making her do all the house work and feeding her mom. Mary (the mom) is so full of hatred to her own daughter. Just because her husband/boyfriends want to rape her daughter and take full advantage of the young girl. In the middle of the story she has to go to a recovery school and has to learn how to do so much and has to learn how to read and write again. With the help of her loving teacher and social worker she can get all this accomplished. She works so hard not to get in to trouble. She does a very good job in this film. Now after watching it i feel her pain having to go through that and being pregnant from her own dad, and her mom just stayed there and seen it all and built up all this hatred to her. Over all this is a good movie. :D

Monday, April 18, 2011

Assignment dos!! :D

This is my next assignment. Hopefully I finish this fast so I can work on my 3rd one. The definition of archetype is original model after which after similar things are patterned in images story patterned archetypes often unconscious associations in or audience. Situational archetypes are the fight between good and evil the popular movies that associate that archetypes are the westerns and all the super hero types.  In the modern True Grit the battle with finding Mattie’s fathers killer Tom Chaney. She goes across many opsitcals that question her hard work in the process.  She has to do a lot to find him and take him to justice. In that process she gets hurt and they have to amputate her arm. She finally goes back to see rooster. The man who saved her and when she goes to see him its too late he died like 4 days before she arrives to visit him. She never got married. She always visits his grave.
Another situational archetype is a journey. It talks about lots of stuff and it’s probably been around the longest. There is a lot of modern day movies. My all time favorite modern journey movie is probably “What Happened In Vegas” In this movie it’s a story about two completely different people that fall in love and they struggle to show their emotions toward each other. It is a really good movie and it has good moral value. I like this movie I know lots of quotes from it and it’s GREAT.
The next situational archetype is the fall. This is a type that some one of high standards and has enemies and has to compete for a lot of the stuff they have and in the movie “Dark Knight” they do a good job showing that Harvey dent the “white knight” Gotham new DA is falling in to the dirty cop seam its bad and batman and the joker all fight it. Bruce Wayne is batman and he tried to fight all the bad stuff that happens. The joker turns all the good people in to bad people. He is the reason Harvey is dead in the movie.

Monday, April 11, 2011

english thing! ha!!!

"Kat Von D Signs Her New Book At Barnes & Noble In New York." UPI Photo Collection. United Press International, 2010. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 11 Apr. 2011.
My experience with research is quite a bit. I have been interested in researching lots of fun and exciting facts of things and people. I can concentrate for a bout 15 minutes then I loose concentration. That is very bad I am working on my concentration skills. This project should help me with this problem.  I think computer research is better than the old fashion way of learning about people in books, because that is boring! Like right now I just lost concentration in this project and I don’t know what to put on this but it’s a grade so I have to put something. :D