Monday, April 18, 2011

Assignment dos!! :D

This is my next assignment. Hopefully I finish this fast so I can work on my 3rd one. The definition of archetype is original model after which after similar things are patterned in images story patterned archetypes often unconscious associations in or audience. Situational archetypes are the fight between good and evil the popular movies that associate that archetypes are the westerns and all the super hero types.  In the modern True Grit the battle with finding Mattie’s fathers killer Tom Chaney. She goes across many opsitcals that question her hard work in the process.  She has to do a lot to find him and take him to justice. In that process she gets hurt and they have to amputate her arm. She finally goes back to see rooster. The man who saved her and when she goes to see him its too late he died like 4 days before she arrives to visit him. She never got married. She always visits his grave.
Another situational archetype is a journey. It talks about lots of stuff and it’s probably been around the longest. There is a lot of modern day movies. My all time favorite modern journey movie is probably “What Happened In Vegas” In this movie it’s a story about two completely different people that fall in love and they struggle to show their emotions toward each other. It is a really good movie and it has good moral value. I like this movie I know lots of quotes from it and it’s GREAT.
The next situational archetype is the fall. This is a type that some one of high standards and has enemies and has to compete for a lot of the stuff they have and in the movie “Dark Knight” they do a good job showing that Harvey dent the “white knight” Gotham new DA is falling in to the dirty cop seam its bad and batman and the joker all fight it. Bruce Wayne is batman and he tried to fight all the bad stuff that happens. The joker turns all the good people in to bad people. He is the reason Harvey is dead in the movie.

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